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发布时间:2023-04-16 21:13:10源自:http://www.haoyouyinxiang.com作者:好友印象大全阅读(108)

"The Red and the Black" is a novel written by Stendhal, which explores the conflicts between love and society. The novel is set in France during the 19th century, and it tells the story of Julien Sorel, a young man who tries to rise above his social status by using his intelligence and charm. However, his pursuit of love and success leads him to a tragic end. In this essay, I will discuss my thoughts and feelings after reading "The Red and the Black".

Love and Society

One of the main themes of the novel is the conflict between love and society. Julien Sorel falls in love with two women, Mathilde and Louise, who represent different aspects of his life. Mathilde is a wealthy and sophisticated woman who represents the upper class, while Louise is a simple and virtuous woman who represents the lower class. Julien's love for Mathilde is driven by his desire for social status, while his love for Louise is driven by his genuine feelings. However, both women are used by Julien as a means to achieve his goals, and he ultimately fails to find happiness with either of them.

The novel also explores the hypocrisy and corruption of society. Julien is constantly struggling to fit in with the upper class, but he is always reminded of his lower status. He is treated with disdain and suspicion by the people around him, and he is forced to hide his true feelings and beliefs. Julien's attempts to climb the social ladder are met with resistance, and he is ultimately betrayed by the people he trusted.

The Tragic End

The novel ends with Julien's execution, which is a tragic and ironic conclusion to his story. Julien's pursuit of love and success leads him to commit crimes and betray his own principles. He becomes a victim of his own ambition and his desire for social status. Julien's death is a symbol of the conflict between love and society, and it highlights the destructive nature of human desires.


"The Red and the Black" is a powerful novel that explores the conflicts between love and society. Stendhal's portrayal of Julien Sorel is a reminder of the dangers of ambition and the consequences of our actions. The novel is a critique of the hypocrisy and corruption of society, and it encourages us to question our own desires and motives. The tragic end of the novel is a warning of the destructive nature of human desires, and it reminds us of the importance of love and compassion in our lives.

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